System Architect (DX IoT Platform)

GetLinks partner

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Up to 3,500 USD
System Administration

Job description

Employment type: Full-time
Job level: Senior-level

Key Responsibilities:

Architecture Design

• Design Cloud Microservices architecture for IoT Platform

• Design cost and performance effective, event driven architecture for IoT Platform

• Design high scalable, high availability architecture

• Design multi-tenant and cloud agnostic architecture with cost effective way

• Develop Functional Design Document.


• Best Practices, Design end to end security including benchmarking and penetration test.

• Security such as authentication, authorization, cryptographic, OWASP standard, JWT, etc.

• Perform Sanity test, security test, pent test with 3rd party, unit integration and other tests.


• Deployment strategy

• Performance test especially for the ingestion to be capable to handle large number of device with fast interval (less than second) and auto scale up/down with the cost effective way.

• Performance test for the dashboard to ensure auto scale horizontally and vertically with large number of user accessing the UI and data

• DevOps tasks with Azure DevOps as a priority.

• Deploy CI/CD pipeline – Azure DevOps include detail architecture Helm, etc. And train the Engineer to be able to do it independently to support operation.

• Exception handling, logging, localization, caching strategy, portability, performance, and transaction management

• Fault management and notification


• Development standard and best practices.

• Design technologies based on Business Requirement which cover domain, application persistence, infra and presentation layer.

• Design logical view, data processing, ETL, standardization, and transformation.

• Data modelling and mapping for IoT data (unstructured) and structure data

• Database migration

• API integration

Contact us

1 - Nhan Bui (Olivia)Senior Recruitment ConsultantEmail: [email protected]Tel: +84 792 366 152Skype: live:thanhnhan9597_1